Fine electronic structure (Ei, Γi) allows to find a thermodynamic functions for the statistical group of N ions. It is usefully, to put N=NA≈6.022.1023 mol-1 (Avogadro constant).
population of energy level Ei:
thermodynamic sum of states:
free energy:
internal energy:
where: kB= 1,38 x 10 -23 J/K (Boltzmann constant)
In temperature T = 0[K] (absolute zero) only the lowest state is occupied. The magnetic moment at 0[K] is equal to the moment of the ground state. It allows evaluate the total, spin and orbital moments.
Taking into consideration the possibility the thermal population of states we automatically achieve a thermal evolution of the single ion properties of the compound.
Useful relationships between units:
[1 K = 0.0862 meV = 1.38·10 -23 J, ( K - Kelvin)]
[ μ B -Bohr magnetron]
[ μ B /T× ion - Bohr magneton/Tesla×ion ] ( μ B/T × ion = 0.5586 emu/mol)
M[μ B/ f.u.] ( 1μ B = 9.27 ·10-24 J/T, J/T = A × m2 ) [μ B× T/kB = 0.67171 K]
Details of Theory
Computable properties:
- entropy S(T)
- specific heat Cmol(T)
- magnetic moment and influence of the external magnetic field for it m(B,T)
- magnetic susceptibility along different crystal directions χi(T)
- visibility of the energy levels in spectroscopy <Γi|J_|Γj>, <Γi|J+|Γj> , <Γi|JZ|Γj>
- spin and orbital momenta of the magnetic ion in solid <Γi|L|Γi>, <Γi|S|Γi>